jersey disney


Last updated on

The data below is based on the latest information we have on the keyword jersey disney. The numbers are estimates and may not be 100% accurate.

Estimated from
187 listings
Avg. Conversion Rate
Avg. Views: 3 per listing
Avg. Favorites: 0 per listing
Avg. Sold: 0 per listing
Total Shops
Every shop has an average of 19 listings
Avg. Price
34 USD
Min-Max Price: 33.77 USD - 34 USD
Oldest Listing
1 year ago

Top Countries: jersey disney

1 countries

The chart shows the percentage of listings per country for the keyword jersey disney.

Top 10 Categories:

The table shows the top 10 categories with the highest percentage of listings for the keyword jersey disney.

Category Name % of Listings
Clothing, Gender-Neutral Adult Clothing, Tops & Tees, T-shirts 88.24%
Clothing, Men's Clothing, Shirts & Tees, T-shirts, Graphic Tees 5.35%
Clothing, Gender-Neutral Adult Clothing, Tops & Tees, T-shirts, Graphic Tees 4.28%
Clothing, Gender-Neutral Adult Clothing, Tops & Tees 2.14%

Listing Types: jersey disney

The chart shows the percentage of listings per type for the keyword jersey disney.

Listing States: jersey disney

The chart shows the percentage of listings per state for the keyword jersey disney.